About Us

Our commitment and passion shows through all that we do.
We recognize and take pride in the fact that we offer a necessary service and we embrace all that service means to our customers. Our entire team is technically superior—with several employees having their OCNT certification through the ONLA or a Landscape Certified Technician through the NALP it is a difference that is evident in our work and in all customer interactions.

We are flexible, innovative and extremely professional.
At Five Seasons Landscape Management, we are driven to deliver the best quality in the area by investing in our employees, staying abreast of new products, and implementing the industry’s best practices. The results speak for themselves in the professionalism of our crew, the quality of our work, and the testimonials of our extensive client base.
Our Mission & Values





Our Staff

Bill Leidecker

Steve Woods

Bill Puzines

Sam Dardinger

Donnie Thorpe

Brian Ashby

Mark Atchison

Jason Golden

David Corbett

Daniel Hess

Billy Ventura Hercules

Max Huber

Josh Gilbert

Jessica Keuch

Nicole Puzines-Matias

Justin Ashby

Josh Weimer

Shannon Magana

Rob Young

Junita Junita

Eve Beeler

Phylicia Akpan

Gail Reinhart

Nicole Williams
National Certification
The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) is a professional body for lawn care professionals. Member companies specialize in lawn care, landscape design and installation, landscape maintenance, tree care, irrigation and water management, and interior plantscaping. NALP offers professional certification programs that include the Landscape Industry Certified Technician, Landscape Industry Certified Manager, and Landscape Industry Certified Lawn Care Manager examinations.
Client Portal Project Tracking
In 2012, Five Seasons Landscape Management implemented a new web-based software, BOSS, to fully integrate all aspects of our business. This software allows us to better communicate, track data, invoice and schedule work from the start of the sales process all the way to project completion.
Our crews receive real time updates in the field via mobile alerts that let them know about schedule changes, client requests or any urgent issues that need handled. Our account managers can do real time site audits and send reports to clients letting them know how their sites look, updates on work performed and any issues that may need addressed.
Our goal is to be as transparent to our clients as possible and this software allows us to do so by providing a client Web-Portal into our system. As a client you will be able to see scheduled and completed work, with the ability to grade any work completed on our last visit. You can send issues or requests that will go directly to all parties involved in your account. Contracts and approved work orders will be available for you to see along with all invoices (paid or unpaid). Marketing material, industry and company news and updates are available for your viewing in this area as well. Plus, if you have a referral, you can send the information along in your portal as well.
In this ever changing, fast-paced world we live in, we at Five Seasons Landscape Management are dedicated to helping simplify your life by providing information at your fingertips anytime, and anywhere you may need it.
A Landscape Industry Certified Exterior Technician...
is a landscape professional who has been certified through a rigorous national testing program. The program tests for in-depth knowledge of the technical aspects of the installation and maintenance of exterior landscapes.
- David Corbett
The Landscape Industry Certified Manager...
program tests the skill set needed to successfully run a business. Candidates are expected to be a landscape contractor business owner or manager.
- Bill Leidecker
- Steve Woods
- Bill Puzines
Landscape Industry Certified Lawn Care Manager...
tests for knowledge of the technical aspects of the installation and maintenance of cool season turfgrass. Holders of this certification can identify and treat turf disease, weed infestation and pest infestations with emphasis on Integrated Pest Management and safety in ensuring that appropriate chemicals are applied according to EPA and OSCA Standards.
- Bill Puzines
Local Certification
The Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) is a non-profit association, incorporated in the State of Ohio, representing the interests of the state’s nursery, garden center, and landscape industry. The ONLA offers a certification program called the The Ohio Certified Nursery Technician (OCNT). The OCNT program has three areas of specialization: Garden Center, Grower and Landscape. Each area of specialty has its own study manual and test. Once a person passes the test associated with their area of specialization they are a designated Certified Nursery Technician in the state of Ohio. Once a person passes all three tests, they are given the status of Master Ohio Certified Nursery Technician.
- Steve Woods, OCNT-L
- Mark Atchison-OCNT-L
- Marc Johnston OCNT-L
- Josh Gilbert-OCNT
- Jessica Leidecker-OCNT
- Dan Hess ONCT-L
- Tyler Kinser ONCT-L
- Donald Thorpe ONCT-L
- Justin Ashby ONCT -L
- Brian Ashby ONCT -L
- Sam Dardinger ONCT -L
Commercial Pesticide Applicators License
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) requires a Commercial Pesticide Applicators License for any individual who owns or operates a pesticide business or who applies general or restricted use pesticides to the property of another without direct supervision. The licensure requirements assure that the applicator is competent and is using the pesticides in such a way as to minimize the risk to human health, wildlife, and our environment. Five Seasons’ pesticide applicators are licensed in: Commercial Core, Turf Pests, Ornamental Plant and Shade Tree Pests, Industrial Vegetation Control, and Aquatic Pests.
- Daniel Hess
- Jeremiah Flannery
- Randy Peters
Community Care
Five Seasons Landscape Management’s commitment to the central Ohio community runs throughout the company where employees are active participants in numerous charitable organizations. We are active volunteers with the following organizations:
- Boys and Girls Club of Licking County
- Columbus State Community College
- Helping Hands in the Garden
- LEADS Food Pantry
- Luther Haus Reynoldsburg School District
- NALP Day of Service
- NALP Trailblazer Mentoring Program
- National Collegiate Landscape Competition
- Ohio State University
- Suzanne Komen Race for the Cure
- Salvation Army of Licking County
- Reynoldsburg Parks and Recreation
- Southwest Licking School District
Scholarship Fund
Five Seasons is committed to the future of our industry and we feel the biggest investment needs to be in our future leaders. In 2008 FSLM pledge to create a $25,000 endowment through our national organization NALP. In 2014 FSLM offered the first Scholarship ($1000) to Samantha August of Columbus State Community College.
Winner in 2015:
Congratulations to Christen Wilcox, who was recipient of the Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship at Columbus State Community College! This is what she and her professor, Steve O’Neal had to say:
“I am sincerely grateful to have been selected as the recipient of the Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship. Receiving the scholarship will allow me to pay for my summer classes while participating in an internship at the same time. I will graduate in December from… Columbus State Community College’s Landscape Design and Management program. As I complete my education, I am reminded constantly of the giving and inspiring nature of our industry and those who are a part of it. I would like to thank Five Seasons for supporting students and investing in the future of our industry. ” – Christen Wilcox
“I wanted to take a moment to say “Thank You” once again for the continuing support that Five Seasons has shown for our students. Today’s educational costs have far exceeded the projections of twenty years ago and students find it very difficult to obtain an education without a large debt as a result. It is through your kind contributions to the AEF and other financial support that helps to lessen that burden. Once again thank you on behalf of all of our faculty, staff and of course students.” – Steve O’Neil
Winner 2016:
Congratulations to Elena Andrews, who was recipient of the Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship at Columbus State Community College! Here is a little bit of what she had to say:
“It is with great honor that I have been awarded the Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship from the 2016 National Association of Landscape Professionals Foundation. It has been a little over a year since I made the decision to switch careers from architecture to pursue my passion for landscape design. I enrolled in classes at Columbus State in the spring of 2015 and have embraced every opportunity that has crossed my path. The Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship is deeply appreciated on a financial level as a single mother working to pay for a new degree. But more importantly to me, is the validation and encouragement it gives me that I did make the right decision to change direction. I have been fortunate to be able to work part time as a landscape designer while in school and plan to open my own landscape design company, Spruce. I am grateful to Five Seasons for supporting students and their dreams.” – Elena
Winner 2017:
Congratulations to Greg Gilbertsen for winning the Columbus State Scholarship! Here is what c had to say about it:
“Thank you very much for awarding me the Five Seasons Landscape Management Scholarship through the National Association of Landscape Professionals Foundation scholarship program. As a father trying to support a family and gain a degree at Columbus State Community College, this award is very important to me as I am otherwise funding my education myself.
I am in… the midst of changing careers and getting started in landscape design. Columbus State has a very good Landscape Design and Management Program and is well known in the industry. This is my second year in the program and I have found the instructors to be quite knowledgeable and classes to be interesting and challenging. I expect to graduate within the next couple of semesters and am looking forward to a rewarding career in the landscape industry. This scholarship will allow me to fund the remaining classes that I need to complete the degree.” – Greg
Ranked among the top 5 commercial landscaping companies in central Ohio.

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